What are Diversiphoria and Diversiphobia?

Diversiphoria: [ dih-vurs-uh-foh-ree-uh, dahy-, dahy-vurs- ]
1.     love and celebration of diversity, eg: different races, genders, sexual orientations, neurodiversity (autism spectrum) or anyone who is different or strange:
The pride parade is a spectacular example of diversiphoria. Diversiphoria is a provably positive survival trait.
2.     taking pleasure and joy in the speech, mannerisms, etc., of people who are different from oneself:
Raising children in a diverse group can help to promote diversiphoria.


Diversiphobia: [ dih-vurs-uh-foh-bee-uh, dahy-, dahy-vurs- ]
1.     fear or hatred of diversity, eg: different races, genders, sexual orientations, neurodiversity (autism spectrum) or anyone who is different or strange:
Diversiphobia weakens the human species due to its predisposition towards inbreeding.
2.     fear or dislike of the speech, mannerisms, etc., of people who are different from oneself:
Raising children in a diverse group can help to overcome diversiphobia.

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